Monday 19 March 2012

Week 11 - Plain and Simple Fish Pie

Not so much of a bumper edition this week with only one recipe to report on but due to an incredibly hectic week there was only one night when both Mr Gem and I were in and that was on Monday! I did toy with the idea of cooking something new on Saturday but to be completely honest I really fancied a curry so I made an old favourite instead - it was good but not new so I'll have to keep that to myself I'm afraid. Maybe next years resolution will be to keep a log of all my favourite recipes...who knows?!

I was watching one of the last Something for the Weekend episodes the other week and they made an Asian fish pie and it got me thinking... "what's wrong with a traditional lovely fish pie?" I do love Asian food, its probably one of my favourite things to eat, but sometimes I think TV chefs must feel the pressure of having to come up with something fresh and exciting every week when really I just fancied good old tradition for a change. 

So my Fish Pie - I found this in a recipe book I bought from a charity shop about 2 years ago, the recipe book went on the shelf and stayed there untouched until last Monday when I was looking for a quick and tasty fish pie recipe. The book is called: Fish and Seafood and was originally from Marks and Spencers and you could pick up a copy from amazon and its actually cheaper on amazon than I paid in the charity shop! 

Anyway - a similar fish pie recipe can be found here except mine didn't contain eggs (as I didn't have any) and I also added some peas and sweetcorn to the sauce for a bit of texture. The recipe I was working to also recommended that you poach the salmon in brandy which sounded delicious but again I didn't have any to hand so I just poached all the fish in milk and I didn't feel as if I was missing anything.

It was delicious - fish pie is one of those dishes that I always fancy but never cook but it was everything I wanted in a pie; warming and creamy with the different flavours of fish and just a bit of cheese flavour. Surprisingly the recipe was very generous, the original recipe was for four people so I halved it and it still made three good portions. 

I think if I was to make it again I would definitely add the eggs and try the brandy trick which would add a lovely depth of flavour to the sauce but for a quick Monday night tea it was a winner for me. 

Mr Gem didn't say much about this one as he was dashing out the door to football - however he requested first dibs on the leftovers the next night so it must have been pretty good.

Because I think it could be improved on I'd give this one a 7 out of 10. 

So as promised a rather shorter edition this week but I've already got a roast chicken dinner and coffee and walnut cake lined up for week 12 (I was so excited about the chicken last night I forgot to take a picture so you'll just have to imagine how amazing it looked!) 

Also - I picked up a butternut squash in the supermarket yesterday that I'll need to do something with - any recommendations would be much appreciated!

Happy cooking!

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