Tuesday 14 February 2012

Where it all began

I'm never very good at keeping up with blogs and things but I think the reason for this is that I've never had anything to keep me (and more importantly any potential readers) interested!

However this New Years Eve just gone I had an idea for a new years resolution that would be so much more interesting than my usual resolutions which are the usual, lose weight, get fit, stop smoking etc. All of which I am still attempting. However my unusual resolution is as follows:

I will cook at least one new recipe every week in 2012.

And I'm loving it. Its going really well and I thought I should keep a log of it before I forget what I've cooked. 6 weeks in I'm already finding its increasing my repertoire and I don't have to cook the same 10 - 15 recipes week in week out. My boyfriend is also really enjoying this resolution.

So I have a few posts from the first 6 weeks to catch up on and then hopefully I'll post at least once a week with my new recipe. I'm also into crafts so I may drop in the occasional post about a card I made but mostly I'm hoping this will be a food blog!

I've been really inspired so far in 2012 and I'm finding myself trying new things that previously I'd never eat. I now eat courgette and lentils are a new thing when last year I'd avoid like the plague!

So enjoy and maybe you'll be inspired to try something new!

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